An incomplete archive of 32 personal projects going all the way back to when I first learned to code in ~2015.
Over time as my skills and tooling improves, the development time and relatively complexity of my previous projects decrease. Since the invention of ChatGPT, this trend has had rapidly accelerated - many projects that once took me an entire afternoon could now be completed in literally 60 seconds. I expect this trend will continue, and so the archive acts more as a historical proof of work to be observed rather than used.
It is also worth mentioning that this list is not up to date past the invention of ChatGPT, but for unrelated reasons.
Some of these projects were created during my first few years of coding (before I discovered Github) and whose only location until recently (2024) was an unused Windows partition that may one day be lost.
To ensure these projects are not forgotten, I thought I would put them all in one place.
A game like code golf but for writing the shortest prompt.
A new kind of programming language, powered by LLMs.
A novel method of encoding any python script using only 8 characters.
A program that plays the card game 'Coup' well enough to win a bot battle competition.
An AI image generator embedded into Canva, built during SYNCS Hack 2022. First place! 🎉
QR Codes but with sound, built during SYNCS Hack 2020. Second place! 🎉
A *very* helpful overlay for the popular Miniclip game 8 ball pool.
Building an exploit for to make up for the fact I type slower than my friends.
A utility browser extension that adds the number of subscribers next to YouTube comments.
One weird trick to get more views on your edstem posts that tutors don't want you to know!
A Chrome extension which allows you to customise your own New Tab page using static files.
The DVD screensaver but it's your face.
An interactive browser-based digit classifier.
Evolving neural networks to play cartpole, from scratch.
A double pendulum simulation coded from scratch, with a sour twist.
A micro-scale simulation of vibrating molecules with macro-scale emergent properties.
A little interactive water puddle.
A song visualiser using a fourier transform that was written from scratch.
A web application for training and generating images with GANs (generative adversarial neural networks).
The fourth version of my agent-based evolution simulations.
A procedural recursive tree generator.
A programmatic art image circle effect.
Genetic algorithm that evolves images made of triangles.
Have you ever wondered what it looks like to sort all the pixels in an image for some reason?
A nice visualisation of one method to estimate π.
Genetic algorithm that evolves cars to drive around a track.
A python clone of the Facebook messenger soccer game.
A 2D platformer game from high school.
very likely underwhelming
The first version of my agent-based evolution simulations.
My first pong.
A really bad Cookie Clicker clone. Also probably one of the first things I ever coded and distributed.